Ruby Jewelry

Ruby Inclusions

Ruby Inclusions means stone value 

The inclusions are one of the major factors to determine gemstones and rubies have plenty of them. 

If someone shows a very pretty red ruby without inclusions the stone is probably a synthetic bead.

What are ruby impurities / inclusions?

Since ages people try to get rid of impurities / inclusions because they influence the appearance of the ruby stone massively. The common attempt is to heat up the stones by varying the temperature it is also possible to get a certain red color,

Various Categories

Pre-Existing (Protogenetic) - Inclusions that have formed before the host. These are strict of a solid nature. I. Solid Inclusions - Crystals and/or glasses formed before the gem and trapped by the growing gemstone. 

The crystals may appear either as heavily etched or corroded individuals which formed long before the host or as well-formed ruby crystals which developed just prior to the host. Examples: various, including spinel in ruby.

Minimal ruby inclusion

Contemporary (Syngenetic) - Inclusions that have formed at the same time as the host.

I. Solid Inclusions - Crystals and/or glasses formed at the same time as the gem and trapped by the growing gemstone. It is usually impossible to tell just from a microscopic examination whether or not a solid inclusion formed before the host. Examples: various, including calcite and dolomite in ruby from metamorphic environments 1 such as Mogok, Burma).

II. Primary Cavities - Negative crystals. cavities which may or may not look like solid crystals and which were formed while the gem itself was growing. They may be trapped for a variety of reasons, most commonly due to rapid growth. When a crystal grows very rapidly, it no longer grows with smooth, flat faces, but instead grows with faces that have channels. Such channels provide perfect pockets for trapping of the growth solution. Primary cavities may he filled with liquid alone (single phase), liquid + gas or liquid + solid (2-phase), or liquid + gas + solid (3-phase). Examples: negative crystals are commonly seen in all minerals, especially in gems which grow from solutions, such as quartz, fluorite, beryl, corundum, topaz, etc.

III. Growth Phenomena A. Primary Twinning - Twins that formed at the same time as the host (growth twins). These typically occur as single planes only, rather than repeatedly.

Examples are: Spinel and diamond
macles, growth twinning in Sri Lankan and Kashmir sapphire, etc.

B. Colour Zoning - During a crystal's growth, the coloring agents may not be available in completely consistent amounts. The result is a layered appearance of lighter and darker lines (or bands) which follow the external surfaces of the crystal. This is similar to the growth rings of trees, except that with single crystals, the external surfaces are flat and meet at specific angles. Thus the growth lines of single crystals will always be straight lines (never curved, unless one looks in directions other than parallel to the face of which they formed).

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