The Red Ruby Stone jewelry convey a message of love
The red stones only become very precious when they have the right color (somehow like the blood) and are clear which means only a minimum of inclusions plus the right size cut and faceting. for admitad heinz1 11.12.2017"
Especially women love ruby jewelry made from the gems that have also something to do with the value if they are of fine quality, have just the right color and clarity, an extraordinary appeal and it becomes very valuable.
Today it is almost impossible to find top quality larger stones over above around 10 mm diameter which is real clear from this stone's, natural ruby jewelry is made. The famed rubies of Myanmar have an internal structure which is distinctly unique often allowing separation from rubies of any other source. The major features are both euhedral “well-formed” and rounded crystal grains together with dense clouds of rutile silk. for admitad heinz1 11.12.2017"
Especially women love ruby jewelry made from the gems that have also something to do with the value if they are of fine quality, have just the right color and clarity, an extraordinary appeal and it becomes very valuable.
Ruby Jewelry
Repeated twinning is relatively common as is hexagonal color zoning in a swirled pattern termed 'treacle'.
Crystalline solids of a number of types are characteristic in Burmese rubies. Typically are clusters of rounded and or euhedral grains of a light color or colorless concentrated particularly in the center of the crystal. The most often reported inclusions are calcite, spinel, corundum and zircon. Calcite is present as both rounded and angular rhombs and may be recognized by its cleavage and the polysynthetic twin lamellae which it often contains and spinel inclusions occur.
Crystalline solids of a number of types are characteristic in Burmese rubies. Typically are clusters of rounded and or euhedral grains of a light color or colorless concentrated particularly in the center of the crystal. The most often reported inclusions are calcite, spinel, corundum and zircon. Calcite is present as both rounded and angular rhombs and may be recognized by its cleavage and the polysynthetic twin lamellae which it often contains and spinel inclusions occur.
- Here are dresses and accessories matching the red ruby.
- A wide selection of cabochons for various prices is available.
- Ruby Bangles & Bracelets with a different setting material.
- Ruby Diamond Jewelry are probably the top of the ruby nirvana.
- Earrings in many variants such as hoops stud dangling chandelier and more.
- Pendants are one of the most sought after ruby jewelry items.
- Fingerings with the highest demand for engagement rings with diamonds.

Pink Ruby means Sapphire / Corundum
The natural Myanmar (Burmese) ruby gemstone
is the source of almost every high-end quality red jewelry. They are made with this stones and it somehow looks as it gets depleted because the only volume source is still Burma.
It is a bit like jade where with the awakening of the red communist giant they loot whole countryside’s for a quick hit and run.
Pink already has a tendency to be defined as "pink sapphire" a very sought after gemstone of the corundum family which is the same as a ruby but only with slightly different shade after several celebrities were spotted with this rings in a diamond version.
Pink ruby colors >
After a frenzy started because a good pink diamond is almost similar to a sapphire.
However, the most coveted shade is pigeon blood red. Since nobody knows what this shade is any way it's ok just to think about common blood.
About the value of the mineral. But what is the value? The cost? There is a simple answer as much as the highest bidder is prepared to pay for it, the gem is literally priceless that’s one of the reasons why all bigger material is auctioned, either in Hong Kong or Geneva.
gemstone painting in Mandalay
This is a so-called "ruby painting" where the colors are made from different gems in this case the red are the small stones, blue is made with sapphire and green from jade. The other shades are various semi-precious stones.
Sapphire & Corundum Cabochons
Especially women love ruby jewelry made from the red gems.
Some are of fine quality and have just the right color and clarity. Most shine with an extraordinary appeal and are of the most valuable ever. Today it is almost impossible to find top quality larger stones, means above around 10 mm diameter.
Almost all top quality red jewelry is made with ruby stones although there more attractive red gemstones such as spinel. It is a bit like jade, with the awakening of the red communist giant they loot whole countryside’s for a quick hit and run.
Which is different with diamonds where the price is set by a Russian / South African / Jewish cartel.
The rarity of the mineral sets it apart, although it derives its name from the Latin Rubeus, meaning 'red' this is definitely an Oriental stone, found mostly in the Far East such as Burma (Burmese Ruby)
For excellent ruby qualities around $ 30,000 or more are paid by carat.
But this is very rare today; the whole degrades more and more. A price of 4.6 million U.S. dollars was achieved at an auction in 1989 for a 32 carat piece. One carat is 0.2 grams; get your calculator to figure that out. Long time ago they also called them carbuncles.
Since one of the main price parameters of the red beauties is the clarity stones from Tanzania and Madagascar could be a good idea since they don't high-end clarity.
is the source of almost every high-end quality red jewelry. They are made with this stones and it somehow looks as it gets depleted because the only volume source is still Burma.
It is a bit like jade where with the awakening of the red communist giant they loot whole countryside’s for a quick hit and run.
Loose Burma Rubies
The ruby colors range from pink to dark purple.Pink already has a tendency to be defined as "pink sapphire" a very sought after gemstone of the corundum family which is the same as a ruby but only with slightly different shade after several celebrities were spotted with this rings in a diamond version.
Pink ruby colors >
After a frenzy started because a good pink diamond is almost similar to a sapphire.
However, the most coveted shade is pigeon blood red. Since nobody knows what this shade is any way it's ok just to think about common blood.
About the value of the mineral. But what is the value? The cost? There is a simple answer as much as the highest bidder is prepared to pay for it, the gem is literally priceless that’s one of the reasons why all bigger material is auctioned, either in Hong Kong or Geneva.
gemstone painting in Mandalay
This is a so-called "ruby painting" where the colors are made from different gems in this case the red are the small stones, blue is made with sapphire and green from jade. The other shades are various semi-precious stones.
Big ruby cabochons
Sapphire & Corundum Cabochons
Top-quality ruby
Jewelry big sizes and beautiful design are the hallmark of Burmese Rubies they haven't been swallowed yet by the dark forces indicated below.Especially women love ruby jewelry made from the red gems.
Some are of fine quality and have just the right color and clarity. Most shine with an extraordinary appeal and are of the most valuable ever. Today it is almost impossible to find top quality larger stones, means above around 10 mm diameter.
Almost all top quality red jewelry is made with ruby stones although there more attractive red gemstones such as spinel. It is a bit like jade, with the awakening of the red communist giant they loot whole countryside’s for a quick hit and run.
Ruby prices are not always high
Anyway, they still react to the market forces Burmese ruby are not stockpiled.Which is different with diamonds where the price is set by a Russian / South African / Jewish cartel.
Many more about shopping the red gemstones is here
The rarity of the mineral sets it apart, although it derives its name from the Latin Rubeus, meaning 'red' this is definitely an Oriental stone, found mostly in the Far East such as Burma (Burmese Ruby)
For excellent ruby qualities around $ 30,000 or more are paid by carat.

cheap red ruby jewelry
Since one of the main price parameters of the red beauties is the clarity stones from Tanzania and Madagascar could be a good idea since they don't high-end clarity.
To understand a bit about rubies it needs some history knowledge
Jewelry with red ruby is known since more than two-thousand years, maybe more. The best gems in this time frame came from Sri Lanka, India and Burma today Myanmar. In present times also substantial mining is done in Madagascar and some other African countries but this is not top quality.
They create very pretty things which lets the eyes of women getting brighter especially in a composition with diamonds. When having a walk through the Bogyoke Market in Yangon great works of somehow art can be discovered. This is also the premier shopping mall for ruby gemstones and other genuine glittering things such as jade and semi-precious stones.
There are two main mining areas in Myanmar one is the "Mogok Stone Tract" and the other mining ground is at Mong Hsu which is located north east of Mandalay not far from the Thailand-Myanmar border.
All red stones at that area are already "heat treated" at the mine which means from Mong Hsu there are no untreated natural corundum stones.
Ruby trading in Mogok
One is at Mogok where they found them for centuries, also the best quality and colors of " pigeon blood red" come from there. Additionally sapphire, topaz, tourmaline, garnet and red spinel.
Another newer mining area is further east near the border region, that is Mong Hsu, but the stones found there are of lower quality and are mainly heat treated right at the mine.
Ruby Gem Trade at Chanthaburi
Gem Trade in Chanthaburi
Thai rubies come from the Chanthaburi area on the east side of the Gulf of Thailand they have a bit of a purplish hue and brownish tinge.
All real red gemstones are mainly used for jewelry, synthetic ones also used in laser and in bearings of upmarket watches, most get a facet-cut such as stairs and brilliant.
Gems which are not clear enough to make if for top jewelry get a cabochon cut.
Burmese gemstones from Bogyoke Market
Cabochon gemstones from Bogyoke Market
Some of this opaque gems can show a six-point star when the light source is directed to them, they are Star Ruby, the same is for sapphires.
Here is some history, the largest rough ruby.
Weighing about 80 grams comes from Burma, another weighing 593.4 carats was discovered in Sri Lanka. There is also something from Europe in these exotic circumstances, the Bohemia crown of St Waceslav is adorned with a large one of about 250 carats.
loose rubies and various shades of red
natural rubies and sapphires at bogyoke market
The best place to but them as Natural Cabochons is at Bogyoke Market, it's really amazing what a assortment they have there. But be aware that the prices are lower in Bangkok or Chanthaburi, Thailand, that simply has to do with the market situation and the Myanma's always think they can charge more naturally they are wrong, read more.
Synthetic Ruby.
In 1888, Mr. Verneuil was able to make artificial or synthetic rubies in excellent quality, this changed the game, they are easy to find out because they have no inclusions which is not with natural stones.
loose rubies and other corundum stones
rough gems sit on crystals and marble fresh from the mine
The corundum family
Together with Sapphire this is the corundum family,
Natural Myanmar Gemstones
This natural Myanmar (Burmese) Gemstones are variation of aluminum oxide the have many in common. A mineral consists of a chromium- colored alumina; chrome itself is in the earth's crust at extreme depths, read more.
To form the precious stones chrome must ascend and blend with just solidifying aluminum, this is a very rare instant and therefore there are only a few deposits on planet earth. It might be possible that with new exploration techniques new red precious stones can be found.
red gems and jewelry
gemstone harvest at mogok
It is also quite difficult to find rough gems suitable to use for creating one big one. Sources are catalyzed dolomitic marble, gneiss and amphibolite where they virtually sit on the crystals. Within the same piece are different shades that makes it extremely difficult to cut larger stones with a similar color, all stones also have inclusions. When you see a the red gem without inclusions it's almost for sure a synthetic one.
natural ruby rough stones
Where there is money to be made dirty tricks are used, only in 1800 a final definition was issued to make clear what this stones really are beside of the fact that both are the corundum group.
Big Ruby Gemstone
Before red spinel and garnet were in the same group. Actually even the British crown has a spinel included as the jewelers who made this big piece though that's the other one.
Some famous big gems in the British Museum of Natural History in London is the " Edward Rubin" with 167 carat. In the Smithsonian they have the " Reeves Star " with over 138 ct weight. The "De-Long Star " is in the American Museum of Natural History ( New York) and weighs 100 ct. These stones are somehow priceless. The largest one ever found was a red stone which weighed a whopping 400 ct, it was cut into three pieces to maximize profit.
Rough Burmese Rubies.
They come mainly from two places, the mines in Mogok and the rather new ones at Mong Hsu east of Mandalay close to the border with Thailand.
Rough Ruby from Mogok
Here are Rough ruby stones from Mogok just after sorting them actually it's still the whole corundum family as it is visible with the blue stones which are sapphires.
Rough Ruby from Mong Hsu on marble
Burma Ruby mining in Mong Hsu
On this picture extracted stones from Mong Hsu are shown still "sitting" on marble where they grow. E.g. most rough stones come from the mine district of Mong Hsu east of Mandalay are heat treated already at the source because the quality is low. The red stone from that area usually are not as good as the minerals coming from Mogok, the premier mine district in the country about 120 km north of Mandalay.
Prices are not easy to figure out. They highly depended on the color, size, inclusions and is it a natural stone. If you are not a specialist hire one for an hour or two otherwise you get for sure cheated. Maybe you need to make a divide, if buying below one thousand $ you should be able to handle it. just read through our website. If it is above that limit take someone with you, read more.
Ruby mining in Mogok
Mining in Mogok is done by all versions, on the surface and underground.
A very special edition of this gemstones are star rubies.
Loose ruby and Sapphire cabochon
This are star rubies and sapphire, cut and polished as Corundum cabochon they show usually a six-point star when a dot light source is directed to them. The reason why this happens with both of them is because they are the same minerals only a different trace element entered the gem when it was formed. Sapphires come in much more color variants than rubies, one of the most interesting besides of a blue sapphire is a pink one, it looks very similar to a gorgeous pink diamond. They have a much wider color variety although both are from the corundum family, read more.
When you are done to select the stone you like and negotiated the price tell the sales guy to take the piece and go out to the normal light to check if you still like it, the reason for this is, in the jewelry shop (see the pictures) they use special lights of a very particular wavelength which can enhance the color dramatically.
Burmese ruby for sale at Bogyoke Market
Gems for sale at Bogyoke Market in Yangon, this is probably the best gemstone bazaar in the world it is amazing what one can discover there. Not only gems and jewelry, also pretty artwork, antiques, Buddha statues made from jade, bronze, wood and other materials, read more.
If you intend to buy jewelry for over about $ 1000,- it is almost mandatory to have the shop people go with you to an independent lab for analysis, don't believe anything the sales people tell you, also if they show you a certificate, this can be issued by a friendly source or simply falsified.
Tags: Burmese ruby, Myanmar ruby, ruby jewelry, ruby gold rings
High-end Myanmar ruby necklace pendant jewelry with diamonds are abundant ok, you could ask how come that one of the poorest nations on earth has such as a lot of cash available since all these jewelry creations easily touch the 6 digit dollar range.
Their local currency is the kyat and getting so many of kyat banknotes moved around takes several big sacks easily coming to a 20 kg weight. This is a realistic approach since the Banking System also won't work. But is becoming a bit better since 2017.
Their local currency is the kyat and getting so many of kyat banknotes moved around takes several big sacks easily coming to a 20 kg weight. This is a realistic approach since the Banking System also won't work. But is becoming a bit better since 2017.
History reveals and repeats Burmese ruby jewelry is the best beside diamonds
The fascinating red glow with magical powers still attracts many superstitions it’s somehow similar to jade with Chinese people. All this is questionable; it only stands out for sure as fine jewelry either mined in Mogok or Mong Hsu the two sources where Myanmar rubies come from.
High-end ruby diamond necklace
The value of the red version of corundum is determined by its color, clarity, and size. Although all have a slight bluish hue the high prices are paid for “Pigeons Blood” colored stones which is without the blue and highly fluorescent in any sort of light. These stones are extremely rare and are only mined in Mogok district about 120 km north of Mandalay not very far from the Irrawaddy River.
Jewelry made from precious stones is not only attractive but it is also durable which makes it easy to wear every day. It is the rarity what makes these gems so valuable. In fact many are more valuable than diamonds of similar size and clarity.
Beautiful Burmese ruby pendant
An exotic ruby pendant is a real “eye catcher and it is even better in a composition with small diamonds grouped around. That is for pendants necklaces finger ring earrings bracelets and bangles. This is used extensively for wedding and engagement rings since it is always associated with passion and love.
Many designs are available to choose from either at online shops or at real outlets. Myanmar designs well suited for both men (rings) and women.
Burmese rubies from the mine in Mogok and Mong Hsu
There are two main mining areas in Myanmar one is the "Mogok Stone Tract" and the other mining ground is at Mong Hsu which is located north east of Mandalay not far from the Thailand-Myanmar border.
All red stones at that area are already "heat treated" at the mine which means from Mong Hsu there are no untreated natural corundum stones.
Ruby trading in Mogok
One is at Mogok where they found them for centuries, also the best quality and colors of " pigeon blood red" come from there. Additionally sapphire, topaz, tourmaline, garnet and red spinel.
Another newer mining area is further east near the border region, that is Mong Hsu, but the stones found there are of lower quality and are mainly heat treated right at the mine.
Ruby Gem Trade at Chanthaburi
Gem Trade in Chanthaburi
Thai rubies come from the Chanthaburi area on the east side of the Gulf of Thailand they have a bit of a purplish hue and brownish tinge.
All real red gemstones are mainly used for jewelry, synthetic ones also used in laser and in bearings of upmarket watches, most get a facet-cut such as stairs and brilliant.
Gems which are not clear enough to make if for top jewelry get a cabochon cut.
Burmese gemstones from Bogyoke Market
Cabochon gemstones from Bogyoke Market
Some of this opaque gems can show a six-point star when the light source is directed to them, they are Star Ruby, the same is for sapphires.
Here is some history, the largest rough ruby.
Weighing about 80 grams comes from Burma, another weighing 593.4 carats was discovered in Sri Lanka. There is also something from Europe in these exotic circumstances, the Bohemia crown of St Waceslav is adorned with a large one of about 250 carats.
loose rubies and various shades of red
natural rubies and sapphires at bogyoke market
The best place to but them as Natural Cabochons is at Bogyoke Market, it's really amazing what a assortment they have there. But be aware that the prices are lower in Bangkok or Chanthaburi, Thailand, that simply has to do with the market situation and the Myanma's always think they can charge more naturally they are wrong, read more.
Synthetic Ruby.
In 1888, Mr. Verneuil was able to make artificial or synthetic rubies in excellent quality, this changed the game, they are easy to find out because they have no inclusions which is not with natural stones.
loose rubies and other corundum stones
rough gems sit on crystals and marble fresh from the mine
The corundum family
Together with Sapphire this is the corundum family,
Natural Myanmar Gemstones
This natural Myanmar (Burmese) Gemstones are variation of aluminum oxide the have many in common. A mineral consists of a chromium- colored alumina; chrome itself is in the earth's crust at extreme depths, read more.
To form the precious stones chrome must ascend and blend with just solidifying aluminum, this is a very rare instant and therefore there are only a few deposits on planet earth. It might be possible that with new exploration techniques new red precious stones can be found.
red gems and jewelry
gemstone harvest at mogok
It is also quite difficult to find rough gems suitable to use for creating one big one. Sources are catalyzed dolomitic marble, gneiss and amphibolite where they virtually sit on the crystals. Within the same piece are different shades that makes it extremely difficult to cut larger stones with a similar color, all stones also have inclusions. When you see a the red gem without inclusions it's almost for sure a synthetic one.
natural ruby rough stones
Where there is money to be made dirty tricks are used, only in 1800 a final definition was issued to make clear what this stones really are beside of the fact that both are the corundum group.
Big Ruby Gemstone
Before red spinel and garnet were in the same group. Actually even the British crown has a spinel included as the jewelers who made this big piece though that's the other one.
Some famous big gems in the British Museum of Natural History in London is the " Edward Rubin" with 167 carat. In the Smithsonian they have the " Reeves Star " with over 138 ct weight. The "De-Long Star " is in the American Museum of Natural History ( New York) and weighs 100 ct. These stones are somehow priceless. The largest one ever found was a red stone which weighed a whopping 400 ct, it was cut into three pieces to maximize profit.
Rough Burmese Rubies.
They come mainly from two places, the mines in Mogok and the rather new ones at Mong Hsu east of Mandalay close to the border with Thailand.
Rough Ruby from Mogok
Here are Rough ruby stones from Mogok just after sorting them actually it's still the whole corundum family as it is visible with the blue stones which are sapphires.
Rough Ruby from Mong Hsu on marble
Burma Ruby mining in Mong Hsu
On this picture extracted stones from Mong Hsu are shown still "sitting" on marble where they grow. E.g. most rough stones come from the mine district of Mong Hsu east of Mandalay are heat treated already at the source because the quality is low. The red stone from that area usually are not as good as the minerals coming from Mogok, the premier mine district in the country about 120 km north of Mandalay.
Prices are not easy to figure out. They highly depended on the color, size, inclusions and is it a natural stone. If you are not a specialist hire one for an hour or two otherwise you get for sure cheated. Maybe you need to make a divide, if buying below one thousand $ you should be able to handle it. just read through our website. If it is above that limit take someone with you, read more.
Ruby mining in Mogok
Mining in Mogok is done by all versions, on the surface and underground.
A very special edition of this gemstones are star rubies.
Loose ruby and Sapphire cabochon
This are star rubies and sapphire, cut and polished as Corundum cabochon they show usually a six-point star when a dot light source is directed to them. The reason why this happens with both of them is because they are the same minerals only a different trace element entered the gem when it was formed. Sapphires come in much more color variants than rubies, one of the most interesting besides of a blue sapphire is a pink one, it looks very similar to a gorgeous pink diamond. They have a much wider color variety although both are from the corundum family, read more.
When you are done to select the stone you like and negotiated the price tell the sales guy to take the piece and go out to the normal light to check if you still like it, the reason for this is, in the jewelry shop (see the pictures) they use special lights of a very particular wavelength which can enhance the color dramatically.
Burmese ruby for sale at Bogyoke Market
Gems for sale at Bogyoke Market in Yangon, this is probably the best gemstone bazaar in the world it is amazing what one can discover there. Not only gems and jewelry, also pretty artwork, antiques, Buddha statues made from jade, bronze, wood and other materials, read more.
Ruby jewelry shop pictures in Yangon
If you intend to buy jewelry for over about $ 1000,- it is almost mandatory to have the shop people go with you to an independent lab for analysis, don't believe anything the sales people tell you, also if they show you a certificate, this can be issued by a friendly source or simply falsified.
Tags: Burmese ruby, Myanmar ruby, ruby jewelry, ruby gold rings
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