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Gemstone Property
Having a hardness higher than quartz?Which means 7 or more on the Mohs' scale are ranked among precious stones; softer minerals are classified as semi-precious.
Some softer gemstones such as opal and peridot (chrysotile), although
very beautiful, are not suitable for rings which suffer the greatest
mechanical damage. If they are set in a ring, such stones will in time
lose their brilliance and color.
Rarity is the another important property a mineral must have if it is to be classified as a gemstone. However, fashion may play a big part in this respect. Bohemian garnets were any popular at one time, then they dropped out of fashion.
Only diamond (hardness 10) ruby and sapphire plus emerald have never been threatened by the fluctuations of vogue. Some gemstones enjoy a considerable popularity in the countries where they are found, for example, the pink margarine or rubellite in France, alexandrite, malachite and rhodonite in the Soviet Union, and the pink kunzite and the green hiddenite in the United States. Although a gemstone may be fashionable for a time because of its color, certain rules should be observed with regard to wearing.
Gemstones and minerals originate
They originate in nature in many different ways. Sometimes this can be studied directly by observation of such natural processes as volcanic activity and smoldering coal heaps. Minerals also separate from hot-water springs and they form in the bottom muds of lakes and in mines and quarries. Mineralogists also gain useful information about mineral formation by studying the products of metallurgical and glass-making processes and chemical compounds synthesized in the laboratory. If a mineral is formed in association with certain other minerals during, say, a volcanic process, we can then reason that the minerals originated in the same or similar conditions in the geological past. Some minerals have retained their appearance since the time they were first formed. A larger group of minerals, secondary minerals, formed on the Earth's surface as the result of the transformation of the primary species.
Minerals that develop deep in the Earth's crust in conditions of high pressure and temperature may be poorly suited for the conditions that prevail on the surface. So when such minerals are brought to the surface by geological processes and exposed to the effects of the atmosphere plus water and aqueous solutions, they are gradually changed into other minerals that can withstand the surface conditions better. For example, limonite (iron hydroxide) is the rusty-colored weathering product of iron-containing minerals such as pyrite, and the green malachite and blue azurite are formed in zones of weathering or oxidation in copper ore deposits. Secondary minerals usually contain the water molecule H2O, hydrated compounds or the hydroxyl ion OH hydrous compounds. Other minerals that are resistant to weathering at the Earth's surface may be eroded out of existing rocks and deposited in sediments.
Natural minerals contain traces
The gemstone contain traces of other (foreign) elements which are inclusions or liquids and gasses or ingrowths of crystals of other minerals.This inhomogeneity changes the mineral's chemical composition and to a certain extent affect some of its physical properties, such as specific gravity, hardness, color, and transparency. The foreign inclusions may, however, help to distinguish a natural stone from an imitation or a synthetic product, and because some inclusions are characteristic of certain geological conditions, they may also help to determine the origin and locality of the mineral, a generalized chemical fontina is usually given to each mineral compound. Sometimes one element in the compound is replaced by another element with the same parameter and of similar size without changing the external crystal form of the mineral. This is called isomorphism. For example, in the olivine group the forsterite molecule Mg.2[SiO4] is replaced by the fayalite molecule Fe2[SiO4]; and in the garnet group pyrope molecule Mg3.Al2[SiO4]:, is replaced by the almandine molecule Fe3Al2[SiO4], Isomorphism is also common in such mineral groups are tourmalines, plagioclase feldspars, and pyroxenes. The characteristic isomorphism explains the range in composition and variation in properties in these mineral groups.
Mineralogists have found it convenient to arrange minerals in groups sharing certain properties. Several classification schemes have been devised, most of them dependent on the chemical composition and the internal crystal structure of the mineral. (As we have seen in the case of carbon, the chemical composition alone is insufficient to characterize a mineral and its properties.)
One such crystal chemical scheme was devised by the German mineralogist Hugo Strunz and is shown below. This system is widely used and is also recommended for the arrangement of small private collections of minerals. As can be seen, the minerals are subdivided into nine groups, which are arranged in order from the chemically simplest (pure elements) to complex compounds and, finally, organic substances.
How stones became gems
They are made when gasses or other minerals penetrate the material during forming and make the color. When the substance cools down it reacts with water and minerals results from that process.E.g. if water blend with silica-rich sandstone amethysts and agates are the result of metamorphic rocks.
Our website has a strong visual orientation, to bring out the nature of the stones, minerals, and pearls. South Sea Pearls with different colors and sizes, these beautiful little balls are cultivated and jewelry is created from.
Natural Ruby gemstones are some of the most prominent within the group of precious stones, they belong to the corundum family and are the red version of it. The other are sapphires which include all other colors of the glamorous family.
Sapphires are the blue version of the family plus all other hues that include white and pink which make them almost identical to diamonds actually if one is not a specialist they won't be able to see the difference anyway only the refraction or sparkling is a bit less but with a beautiful hue and a reasonable clarity it's just fine to read more.
Jade stones are the number one with Chinese people, they used this green mineral since thousand of years, but the is "nephrite jade", the better is jadeite which comes only from Myanmar (Burma) and today all high-end jewelry is this material. But the best of the greenstone version is for sure jadeite
Jadeite jade is mined in Myanmar (Burma).
This is an exciting mineral more sought after from Chinese people, they really like them because of the colors and certain superstitious health ideas.This goes on for thousands of years. Emerald gems mainly come from south America which means Columbia and Brazil there is some another mineral production elsewhere.
This bright green and mostly clear stone look somehow similar to jade but that's opaque and there is no clear version. Emeralds are real gorgeous precious gems.
In 2007 a major discovery of pink-red spinel was made in Tanzania, and many gem dealers regard it as the finest ever discovered until the 19th Century this red stone was also recognized as ruby. Only the technology which came up during that time enabled to analyze the mineral and people saw the difference.
Placer Deposits: Gems are often found in placer deposits as those are very tough and resistant to erosion. Mostly, corundum such as rubies and sapphires occur in placer deposits. But also diamonds, topaz, garnets, zircons and agates.
Magmatic: Top in this environment in terms of value are diamonds the, the main source is volcanic rocks such as kimberlite (pipes) and lamproite. The rocks are formed by the magma, which is formed deep inside the earth crust and rises to the surface because of immense pressure.
The main producers are South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, and the Far East region of Russia. Other value stones occurring in this volcanic environment are some versions of sapphire such as the colorless, blue, pink and yellow. They are formed when certain impurities such as titanium etc. penetrate the stones during creation; others are peridot, zircon, garnets and other.
Metamorphic: They contain ruby, emerald, garnet and some other, they are found in metamorphic rocks such as marble and gneisses and look as if they have been grown on top of them. Myanmar (Burma) is the largest producer of quality rubies. Emeralds are found mainly in Colombia and Brazil plus some minor deposits in Australia.
Another gemstone which is found in metamorphic rocks only is jade (nephrite and jadeite), this tough, colored gemstone is found with the best version in Burma only. All other is nephrite also called Chinese Jade.
Sedimentary: This environment is the main source of opals; they are very rare in nature.
Hydrothermal: Some gemstones need the environment of hydrothermal fluids in pegmatite bodies. Among them is turquoise the blue-green mineral.
Here are colorful precious stones for sale to watch and sales advice plus advanced information.
Organic and Inorganic gemstones
Other semi-precious stones such as turquoise and azurite copper-rich stones blend with water.Malachite, emeralds, and tourmaline are made when water get in touch with magma and then crystallize. Spaces are broken up, are filled with veins of other minerals and form hydrothermal deposits.
In the last hundred years, artificial stones were created in labs which are physically the same as the natural ones. Often even better because of uch clearer but people like it made by mother nature such as this sapphires. Synthetic gemstones have similar physical properties as the natural ones, actually, most are even better and much cheaper as the real ones often substituted in jewelry.
They also don't have all the natural inclusions a genuine gem have and this is also the reason why they can easily be identified as fake, although they are not in physical terms but in value.
Colorful Semi-Precious Stones
For a fascinating shine and colorful gemstones, they must be cut, faceted and polished to show their natural beauty after jewelry will be made from. Garnets are typical they go together with other minerals and colors, they are also used as abrasive to handle other stones.
Cabochons, bead & balls, in this website we present information about them and other cabochons with a strong visual focus and show where they are mined and manufactured into beautiful ornaments set in gold, platinum, and silver.
Many people buy silver jewelry since it looks good, blend nicely with most colored gemstones, with the right alloy they metal gets a sufficient hardness. This is "Sterling Silver" but be careful it is often tainted to get more money out of it when sold, which is very popular in Thailand.
The variants of mining are covered included the exotic and hidden ones in Myanmar (Burma) where they won’t allow foreigners to visit because of smuggling concern. Gem mining is explained and how pieces of precious jewelry are made from gemstone, minerals, pearls, corals and other exotic material. When you watch the pictures you will understand why they say 'diamonds are the girl’s best friends'.
Our website has a strong visual orientation, to bring out the nature of the stones, minerals, and pearls.
About South Sea Pearls with different colors and sizes, these beautiful little balls are cultivated and jewelry is created from read more.
A ball chain or bracelet made from them is a real eye-catcher on any women's body and it is not very expensive, one of the spheres above is up to two hundred dollars.
Natural Ruby gemstones are some of the most prominent within the group of precious stones, they belong to the corundum family and are the red version of it. The other are sapphires which include all other colors of the family altogether a glamorous one.
Sapphires are the blue version of the family plus all other hues that includes white and pink which makes them almost identical to diamonds actually if one is not a specialist they won't be able to see the difference anyway only the refraction or sparkling is a bit less but with a beautiful hue and a reasonable clarity it's just fine.
Jade stones are the number one with Chinese people, they used this green mineral since thousand of years, but the is "nephrite jade", the better is jadeite which comes only from Myanmar (Burma) and today all high-end jewelry is this material.
Green Jade Gemstones
One of the best green stone version is for sure jadeite which is mined in Myanmar (Burma). This is a gorgeous mineral more sought after from Chinese people, they really like them because of the colors and certain superstitious health ideas. This goes on for thousands of years.
We collected almost all possible data about diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds and other rare gemstones and how they are mined. cut, facetted and polished in a fascinating technological chain and often just the old way.
Most are of an inorganic material with a particular chemical composition and an internal crystal structure. A few of them such as pearls and amber are from plants and animals origin they are known as organic gems.
Jewelry made from color gemstones
Other gemstones such as Turquoise and azurite plus copper-rich stones blend with water. Malachite, emeralds, and tourmaline are made when water get in touch with magma and then crystallize. Spaces are broken up, are filled with veins of other minerals and form hydrothermal deposits.
In the last hundred years, artificial stones were created in labs which are physically the same as the natural ones, often even better because of much clearer but people like it made by mother nature.
To radiate in a fascinating shine they must be cut, faceted and polished to show their natural beauty such as the garnet cabochon stones here and after jewelry will be made from. Actually garnet works with related minerals and colors, it is also used for as filter and abrasive to handle other stones.
Another green gemstone are Emerald gems mainly come from south America which means Columbia and Brazil there are some other minor productions elsewhere read more This bright green and mostly clear stone looks somehow similar to jade but that's opaque and there is no clear version. Emeralds are real gorgeous precious gems.
In 2007 a major discovery of pink-red spinel was made in Tanzania, and many gem dealers regard it as the finest ever discovered until the 19th Century this red stone was also recognized as ruby. Only the technology which came up during that time enabled to analyze the mineral and people saw the difference.
Myanmar (Burma) is a typical producer country and Thailand is doing the sales, of course, there are two other heavyweights such as China with Jade and India but they are more focused on the domestic market. This probably will change slowly now (2016) because of the opening of the country.
In the past it was always shared like that, the first ones extracted the gemstones and the other sold them. Clearly visible with Ruby and Sapphire where the production is around Mogok and Mong Hsu and most of the gems and jewelry are sold in Bangkok and Chanthaburi.
The major trading with colored (semi) precious corundum stones is going on in this two cities in Thailand. Every day hundreds of people from all over the world come to buy the precious gems. Although most of the traded raw and loose gems have undergone some kind of heat and other treatments since everyone knows that it won't be a real problem. This two places also have the necessary infrastructure to handle this business.
Synthetic gemstones
Have similar physical properties as the natural ones, actually, most are even better and much cheaper as the real ones often substituted in jewelry.They also don't have all the natural inclusions a genuine gem have and this is also the reason why they can easily be identified as fake, although they are not in physical terms but in value.
Giant Diamonds

With about 141 grams, the gem is one of the largest of its kind ever discovered. The expectations for an auction that Momoh had left to the stone were correspondingly high. Here, Sierra Leone's Minister of Mining and Mineral Resources, Alhaji Minkailu Mansaray, holds the diamond.

Sierra Leone has historic records in finding diamonds a good example was the "Star of Sierra Leone" a huge diamond found in 1972. The 969 carat gem was divided into 17 smaller ones.
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